Saturday, June 29, 2013

Sims3: Dee's Story 09 : GETTING POPULAR

Dee's relationship and career are blossoming and her step family are starting to work their way to the house.

Anna: Dee's gone. Time to call up Mr. Hunkstaaah!!! <3

Anna calls Cristoff to hang out but he said no.

Anna: Fuck.. well, maybe he's not yet on the mood because I haven't showered yet.

Anna tries again...

Anna: Oh my Precious Prince... how about you and me go for a ride...

Cristoff: I don't feel like hanging out with you today...

Anna: WUTT!!! Oh who cares! It's not like you are the most important person in this town!

Anna: Hello Cristoff! Yeah, sorry about earlier, I figured we should chat first... then after that you can finally come over... What do you mean you're busy?! You freakin'sonofagun liar!!!

Sorry Anna... 

Lady: Hey! That was lousy of you to just give up like that...

I tried calling Cristoff with Lady but he just wouldn't come out so yeah, we have to wait till Dee comes back home...

Lady: Then have her go back now!

No! You see, things don't just fall into the way you wanted. He wont come so deal with it!

Lady: HMPP!!! now look what you've done to my precious baby!!!

She's got mood swings, let it be...

Anna: MOM! Why can't I change into a wolf when the moon is in half?!

Lady: STFU sweetheart, you're being crazy again... Maybe you should watch TV to cool off...

But a young man decided to drop by all of a sudden...

I-forgot-his-name Dude: MONEY!

Anna: Well hello stranger!

Sorry I can't remember his name but he's the one Anna fought the other time they hosted a party.

So they flirted and do stuff... finally they kissed <3

Lady: WUT?!

Deal with it Lady, she's happy see?

I-forgot-his-name Dude: BOOO!!!

Anna: !!! Awww, so sweet of you to flirt like this... <3

Zella: Excuse me, I also have a story to tell...

When did you got out the house?

Zella: You're too busy minding Anna you kinda clicked me to go to a date with this guy...

ER... guess it's OK... if you're happy then its fine with me...


Dee: Please don't mind me, I'm busy with perfecting my skills in cooking and happily in love plus my work is doing great!

Yes... I'm really happy with that...

Dee: Cristoff's affection only belongs to mine... mwahahahaha <3

Aww... but wait...

Anna's flirting again..

Anna: What? I have to get me a boyfriend!

I just wanted her to go out for a jog... 

At least she's happy(?)

The next day, she finally were able to be mean to Dee. 

Anna: It has been so long till you grant that wish...

Can't help it, Dee's always busy...

Lady: My whole life is deteriorating before my gorgeous eyes...

Guy in the apron: Look, I'm just passing by... please leave me alone...

Yeah, you're gonna be happy now old lady...

Lady: WHOA!!! I'm on a date with RED!!!


Lady: I knew you'll give in to my charms!

Red: Yes, I kinda don't have any say to this... It just happen :)

Everyone's been dating... wait! Zella! I thought you liked the old guy...

Zella: Chillax... I just flirted and this happened...

Anna: Wait, I have to do something too...

Zella: We are now alone...<3

Anna: Hello baby!!!

Everyone's on a date... And so I decided to check Dee who's still at the hospital...

Cristoff: I'll go wait for Dee... Wait, aren't you on a date?

Red: I thought so too... but what the hey... We are all here so it's fine :)

Cairi: I don't have much cameo here...

Sorry Cairi... you weren't really having much action huh?

But since this page is all about dates... Cristoff finally had time to date Dee... since he's so sweet for hanging out at the hospital.

Cristoff: So I ate at this restaurant the other day, maybe we could go there next time...

Dee: *thinks of looking up at the net for a home made dish recipe for Cristoff* But I want to spend time like this, just us, hanging out...

Cristoff: Or maybe you can finally come see my home. You can cook something for me there.

Dee: I'd love that!

Dee: I got promoted again <3

Cristoff: Awesome! 

Dee: I'm so happy we finally got a chance to see each other... I've missed you so much! 

Cristoff: I miss you too... You are so alluring in that scrub suit of yours...

Kisses! <3

But as Dee says goodbye, it turned out that it was a lousy date. I guess they still wanted to spend more time together...

Before Dee finally got the chance to rest, she got a call from the hospital... 

She's a little sad not to spend time with her beloved Cristoff and she's being stressed with work because she can't sleep anymore...

Lady: Hahaha good for her! and when that brat breaks with Cristoff, I'll make sure my daughters finally got  a hold on him for good!!!

Dun dan dun dannnnn...

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