Monday, June 24, 2013

Sims3: Dee's Story 08 : ABOUT LOVE AND LIKES

Yes, this is the part where Dee sort things out.

It started one night when I cant keep up with the Tremaine's. The computer, dishwasher and the toilets are all broken. Since Dee is doing good with her job and I don't want her to be too stressed up, I had her go to the beach.

Lady: Which is terribly unfair on our part. I want a maid.

Anna: Hire as one already!

Shut it! You guys broke those so better fix them yourselves. Also, the maid will have to wait, you guys are doing nothing anyways.

Lady: Well we can't help that! We are only used to being pampered!

Whatever. So here we have Dee, contemplating what she has to do and stuff...

Dee: I have to work really hard with my logic skills. My promotion is just around the corner! I can feel it!

But wait... look who's also at the beach...

Cristoff: Dee...

Dee: *gasp*

Cristoff: Hey! :)

Dee: Jogging?

Cristoff: Either that or there is a bug in the system that only allows me to wear my athletic outfit.

What are the chances??? *I'm beginning to think there is a big chance to Cristoff ending up here though... but what the heck, it's still exciting*

And so they chatted with stuff going around their life. THEN THEY FREAKING FLIRTED AROUND!!!

Dee: Searching the galaxy is so fun. I found another star, I named it Pooh, because its a yellow sub giant.

Cristoff: Haha cute, you always come up with cute things to say. *what is wrong with me? Is that the only thing I can say? Dee is cute anyways... Why do I keep saying that?*

Dee: *blushes* Aww... *whoa! I think my heart started pounding... I wonder if there's something wrong with me...*

And then cue in music when a romantic scene is blossoming... BOOM! Hearts are floating in their heads... THEY ARE DATING!!! but let me make it like they didn't knew it... coz it feels like they don't. Dee wants to have a date with Cristoff... I don't get it, they are dating already and that's that.

Cristoff: *She's looking really pretty tonight... she always does... and a whole lot charming than the usual...but she also does... darn*

Dee: So, how's Cairi? I never had the chance to talk with her in ages!

Cristoff: She's old. Maybe you should visit my home sometimes, I mean, to see her that is...

Dee: Really?... I never really got the chance to visit friends' house! 


Dee: I'm having so much fun hanging out with you.

Cristoff: Me too... I always do... maybe we should do this often... just you and me...

Cristoff is now Dee's Romantic Interest.

Mwahahaha and in a few days, I'll make him her boyfriend!

Lady: Hey! that's our plan!

You guys already failed last time!

Lady: There is no such thing as giving up! WE WILL ALWAYS TRY AGAIN!!!

As Dee went to sleep, she dreamt about Cristoff... and her dream to be a doctor.

Dee: I'm feeling something... But Cristoff and Anna... They are attracted to one another... and I am only a friend.

WOW emotional aren't we?

Dee: I have nothing compared to Anna... she's beautiful and strong... maybe also mean, but it's not that bad... maybe that's what Cristoff saw in her. I think they're going to be hapy together... growing old and stuff... *sigh*

Where are all these coming from?

Dee: I guess its better to pursue my dreams rather continue daydreaming about him... after all, I don't fit in his relaxed lifestyle. What does he do anyway... I don't really remember asking him about his personal life...

Er I kinda made him especially for you, but whatever, you're just being dramatic today so I'll leave you with your thoughts... 

Lady: EXCUSE ME but what do you plan to do with us???

Er yeah... I know, evil step mom's part...


OK, group outing at the Henri's for these three... Dee is working.

Lady: Mwahahaha!!! We will never leave this house until we got ourselves a boyfriend!

Zella: That's the plan?...

Anna: Join us sister! Mwahahahaha

Zella: That'll be a negative since there are only two guys in this household.

And sadly one of them in not home. Cristoff went somewhere... Honestly, he's always out... How can Anna flirt with him if he keeps on going out.

Cristoff: I love the outdoors!!!

Oh yeah... almost forgot about that...

Red: Lady, what a surprise this early morning!

Lady: Oh you know what they say, the early ATTRACTIVE birds ALWAYS catches the worm...

Red: Yes, I heard them say that... 

Lady: Oh hohohoho :) now let's work on that attraction we got going on...

Red: Please come in...

Someone's pretty excited about the pool.

Anna: Get a grip Zella! You're already in your swimsuits!

Zella: Why not?! I have no one to flirt with here anyways!




Just go to the nearest toilet already. 

As Lady try to race to help her bladder, let me just note that this is Cristoff's room, with Dee's guitar by the window... I didn't bought Dee a guitar so that she'll be able to use this one IF she'll be the one to marry Cristoff.

Lady: A little biased are we?

HAHAHA! Yes, yes I am... but you have to forgive me, I made Dee to be with Cristoff so yeah...

Lady: There really is no point in this then... I'll chat with other people to show you I'm rebelling against your tyranny. Ohhh look! This guy's pretty cute...

Actually, I just had to get to Dee so that she wont go home. I had her go to the spa for some pampering but have to hold that since I saw Cristoff loitering around town :)

Lady: How come you'll have Dee go to the Spa?!

You went there a week ago so stop whining.

Dee: Why does it seem you're always around?

Cristoff: Well I was trying my luck if I'll see you accidentally. 

Dee: Oh? *blushes with heart leaping with joy* 

Cristoff: *smooth one! I think I'm making a progress here* 

I don't know what happened but these two went for a ride... 

*I'm now having a hard time managing these sims. Dee is having some quality time with Cristoff and I don't want to miss any of it, but I have to lead Lady in snagging Red's heart.

Lady: This house is so cool... I want a bar too!

Anna: Fuckinshit! I'll never run again ever!

Turns out Red trained Anna hahahaha she was stinking and hungry now...

Lady: OK, how did you spend time with Red and not me?

Anna: I don't know, we just chatted then boom! Next thing I know we went training and exercising... and I HATE IT!

Meanwhile, Dee, with Cristoff, got home to make a key lime pie which they shared together.


Cristoff: You're getting better at cooking... maybe next time you can make some tri tip steak...

Dee: OK, I'll make you some... Isn't this place cozy? I love this garden.

Cristoff: I have a garden too. You'll love it.

Dee: What else is there that you don't have?

Cristoff: You.

Dee: ?!

Cristoff: !!

Dee: ...

Cristoff: I mean... you know... these pie is delicious! ...


Meanwhile at the Henri's...

I've put a ton of things for Lady to do only to end up seeing Zella is the one chatting up Red. They are the ones progressing with their relationship. I think they are now friends.

Lady: Well I am rebelling so whatcha gonna do about it... 

Nothing much...  But I'll again put stuff for you to do as Dee is having something interesting going on :)

I think Cristoff is now flirting with Dee... Aww these two make me happy.

Dee: Aren't you going to get a job already?

Cristoff: I already have things to do first I guess...

Dee: Like what? You're living like you already retire...

Cristoff: I'm pretty hurt... You know so little about me...

Dee: ! Same goes to you about me ...wait that is true too... BUT what I DO know is that you also came from a different town like me. I know you are smart, since we played chess the first time we met and you do our homework easily... and I know for a fact that you don't like big crowds. 

Cristoff: What more? you could compliment my looks more too...

Dee: You're sweet and kind also, cute but you act like a brat most of the time just doing what you want... and oh! you are a bit narcissistic!

Cristoff: HEY! *pretending to be hurt*

Dee: But it is true... I kinda only know you just like that... are you angry?

Cristoff: I'm hurt... maybe a little kiss would make me feel better?

Dee: See, you're being cute like that.

As Dee moves closer to give him a kiss, Cristoff quickly maneuvered his lips to hers...

Dee: !



Cristoff: *Did I moved too fast? What will I do if she'll hate me?* Dee? Were good right?

Dee: *My freaking first kiss* oh... yea...

Cristoff: Please don't be angry...

Dee: I have a smiling face above my head... how can I be angry right now...

Cristoff: I want you to know me better, and I want to know more about you... 

Dee: I'd like that... :)

Cristoff: Let's meet again tomorrow. I want to show you what I do and maybe you could tell me more about yourself...

Dee: OK. *WAHHH first kiss... I feel so happy... But what about Anna and Lady. I'm sure they're not gonna like this.*

Dee had this want to kiss Cristoff again but I didn't click it. I have to get back to Lady.

And I remembered Cristoff kept on having this wants to kiss Dee too back when I was making his part of the story. He was so cute then. :)

And we were in a mess at Henri's! Everyone is dead tired and wants to go to bed already! 

Zella: I need to sleep already! How long are you going to talk?!! MOOMMM let's go home already!!! it's 3 in the morning for crying out loud!


Zella: Mom are you sleeping? Anyways, I think Red wants us to go already, seeing us suddenly standing at their porch... and I'm hungry!

Anna: Oh look who finally showed up! Soo funnn... maybe we can extend our visit...

Cristoff: I'm having the most wonderful night! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SMELL???

Anna: Hey there my prince charming...

Cristoff: Go home already!

Anna: Don't miss me too much... I'll be back again soonnn <3

Anna: Better eat first before taking a bath...

Anna: I feel so fresh and so fucking sleepy... Well better head to bed then...

Lady easily found herself sleeping at the wet broken dishwasher. I TOLD YOU TO FIX THAT!!!

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