Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sims3: Dee's Story 07 : ONLY WAY IS UP

I present you, Dee as the Organ Donor haha. I always think this is the weirdest start for doctors-to-be but what the hey :)

Paying the bills and such... Sorry this picture only shows Dee's back

Lady: Wait a minute! I just had my birthday, everyone should know about that!

Oh yeah... almost forgot... 


TOINKS! Old Lady! hahaha

Lady: Not much of a difference... :)

See and everyone's happy.

Dee: *Yup! I'm feeling so happy to know she's closer to death than ever...*

As I said, everyone's happy... so on with the party Dee!

Dee: What do you think about burglar masks?

Cristoff: What about them? haha...

Anna: WTH? Dee's making her moves on MY future husband! Let me eat first then she'll get something!!! hmp!

They figured they are both charismatic... well since they are teens, there's an empty slot for a new trait, I picked Dee to be charismatic, lucky Cristoff is too.

Cristoff: Dee, I haven't given you my birthday congratulations...


Dee: Hey, hahaha thanks...

Cristoff: We should've celebrated your birthday together you know..

Dee: Just the two of us? *blushing*

Anna: OWKEIII! Break it you two. Dee, don't you have some cleaning to do? The house is filthy already!

Dee: Er that would be a NO.

Lady: Are you starting a fight Dee? And on my birthday too... what a selfish little brat!

Anna: She's such a baby! pretending to be nice and everything whenever there are people around. Did you heard me Cristoff? She's a terrible brat!

Dee: !!!

Cristoff: I think Anna's needs a time out.

Anna: Oh Cristoff, Dee NEEDS TO GO already... too bad...

Dee: OH *grumble* ! FINE! See you later Cristoff...

Anna: Now WE finally get to have time TOGETHER!!!

Cristoff: Actually I have to go too... See you later...

Anna: !!!

Dee: !!!

Anna: He went off... Dee, this is your fault!

Anna then proceeds to be mean and fights Dee. Dee lost the fight making Anna very happy.

Lady: Hahaha I think Anna got Cristoff covered, then we better seal the deal with Red :)

Flirting time.

Lady: So hot lips, wanna start something to lighten this dead town?

Red: I have no idea what you're talking about but yeah sure!

I think Red loves this household. Lady ended up having Red as her love interest. Hahaha cute.

Lady: Everything is going according to plan!!! mwahahahaha

Lady: Lovely daughter! I trust our road to riches are well developing?

Anna: Yahh *fuck what is this old hag talking about? It's soo early in the morning I'm still dreaming about my pets*

Anna: Today I will invite Cristoff for a fuckinly awesome date! He'll truly fall for me after that and then will get married and I will be totally rich!

Sadly, Anna can't date Cristoff as their relationship is still as good as strangers. But he did agreed on coming over :)

Anna: Ugh! Did you know Dee is now working? That show off!

Zella: I know right...

Anna: Well guess what, Cristoff will be coming over later. He won't get out of this house without being my boyfriend!

Zella: Goodluck with that...

Anyways, soon enough Cristoff is at their house, Lady did not waste a moment.

Lady: Such a good looking young man!

Cristoff: Thanks! I forgot Dee already started work...

Lady: Oh, goodness! That poor child, I hope she doesn't push herself too hard... I often tell her that WE will provide for her but she insist. She's hard headed and so to avoid conflict, I just let her be.

Cristoff: It's nice of you to care for her *I think*.

Lady: Oh but of course! I loved her dearly the moment I married her dad Oh bless his dead soul!!!...

Cristoff: ...

Anna: SO Cristoff... how are you??? I hope my mom didn't pester you too much.

Cristoff: Hello! I'm fine... things are going great.

Anna: What are you up to? We never had the chance to chat...

Cristoff: Just doing stuff... You?

Anna: Er... um, same thing hahaha, those stuff sure needs be done if I say so myself.

Anna: Ah! maybe we should go and see a movie sometime?

Cristoff: That sounds great! Dee loves comedies... maybe we should go see one after her work is done?

Lady: *This guys seems a bit naive... kinda like Dee but in a more gullible way...*

Anna: I don't want Dee to be in any part of our conversation.

Cristoff: Why are you so angry with her? 

Anna: Because, she's keeping you away from me!

Cristoff: ??? But she will always be part of the things I do!

So they ended up with negative people signs... I kinda don't know who really messed up.

Cristoff: DEE!!! You're finally home!

Dee: Wah??? Hey there, is there something wrong?

Cristoff: Nothing... I just missed you that's all. Plus, your step family is a bit bonkers...

Dee: Don't mind that, the Great Goddess must have been inspired to write dramas so just deal with it.

Dee: Anyways, maybe you should stay a bit more. I'm still searching for a new star to find :)

Cristoff: *Dee is so cute in her nerdy ways*

I know right! She loves the stars she discovers. She would often talk about it!

Cristoff: How's work?

Dee: Fun and exhausting!

Lady: Maybe you need to rest now Dee. 

Cristoff: *What does she want now?*

Lady: Cristoff, do you mind chatting with me for a while?

Lady: What are you standing there for? GO INSIDE already.

Dee: *Rolls her eyes*. I have to go Cristoff... see you.

Cristoff: Oh... yeah...

Lady: Do you know something about finances?

Cristoff: A bit...

Lady: Maybe you can help me with this predicament we are in... for Dee's sake that is...

Cristoff: Sure...

Zella: So Cristoff is your boyfriend yet?

Anna: No... Mom soiled my plans... she kept on trying to impress him, I think he got bored.

Zella: Too bad...

Anna: Don't worry, after all, Cristoff is just around the corner. I can only see us together in a few days... mwahahaha

Zella: You're sounding like mom...

Anyways, we can now finally return to Dee. Our diligent heroine is flying thru her job. From being an organ donor, she is now a paramedic within a week. Ha! If only being a doctor is that easy

Here is Dee getting a lot of congratulations from the sims loitering outside the hospital. This is when she got promoted as a bed pan cleaner.

And this is Dee being promoted as a paramedic. I haven't stopped her to chat but the other sims are cheering her on.

And here is Dee consoling someone who has lost a beloved... 

Aww she's making me really proud!

The house is falling apart now that she's busy with work,but I had the three in my full disposal.

Lady: Which is unfair! Get us a maid!

Anna: Yeah, you even le her be mean to us sometime!

I don't really follow the cinderella challenge rule so basically it's OK.

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