Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Sims3: Prince Charming's Version 10 FEELING INLOVE

Ahh Sims... the twist and turn on this little Sims of mine is just lovely.

We will now start with me getting bored with how Cristoff seems to not flirt with anyone, causing trouble for me because I can't write anything about him. (Yes, there had been a phone call or two asking for dates but I'm not that interested to document them.)

BTW, Dee has grown up. Maybe Cristoff will like her now :)

I had Cairi invite her over. Sadly I forgot that Cristoff now has a job so he left off earlier... I wasn't able to see if he's become attracted to her.

As Cristoff is the main man of this story, I'll have you all know that he hasn't mastered anything yet. Here he is playing his guitar waiting for the carpool to arrive.

Cristoff: Well maybe if we weren't partying so many times, I'd have time to improve my skills.

But you have to meet people.


Er yeah... so back to Dee.

Cristoff: You sound more interested talking about her...

Well you have work so nothings to blog about you for now. 'k now back to Dee.

Cairi: I see you've finally became an adult.

Dee: Young Adult.

Cairi: It's pretty much the same ~ young adult, adult, elder...

Dee: Owwkayyy, I see someone's been having age issues.

Well Cairi's been thinking about things so I let her be as Red seems to want to interogate Dee for now.

Red: So, got any job?

Dee: I've gotten myself a job at the grocery.

Red: Well that is good.

Red: How come I always see you around the mansion so many times?

Dee: Well I'm friends with Cristoff and Dee.

And I want her to be the queen in that house. But then Dee went off somewhere. I kinda planned to have her befriend Red too. Maybe some other time.

As this is a fair game, I've invited the WHOLE Tremaine household to eat the leftover foods from the parties and have them socialize with Cristoff.

Sadly, only Anna was able to come.

Red: I was expecting the household. Will they come later?

Anna: I guess, I think they're busy with something. *thinking* wait till everyone hears that we were the only ones invited here today. Wait, I was the only one invited today mwahahahaha!!!

Red: Huh? So what do you do for a living?

Anna: *owww shit* Er well, I'm still looking for a job perfect for me.

Cristoff: I'm home... *Who is this girl again?*

Although Cristoff still has an attraction moodlet, there seems to have no relationship meter between him and Anna. (I wonder what happened? they seemed okay before, not friends but they have an improving relationship or maybe I've force friends for Cristoff that Anna was kicked out?)

Red: So what about the food? better eat that up or they'll rot, and I have to clean them up again!

Red: MAN! I KNEW THEY'L GO SPOILED! well better clean up.

Cristoff, Cairi and Anna: ...

Red: So anyway, have I ever told you I'm afraid to swim? See that Swimming pool outside? No body uses that as it is only for the beautification of the mansion. Got that? Nobody is allowed to swim!

Anna: Oh no problem with that, my interests only goes to watching TV and playing computer games. Then Cristoff got hungry and ate Dee's angel food cake that is still firing up even though it came from the fridge.

Anna: Finally, alone time with Cristoff!!! <3

And I had them chat away...

Cristoff's charisma skills had gone up as they debate politics... which bores Anna.

And finally, Anna had to say bye bye. And that was it... I'm relieved to say that Cristoff seems to have no interest at her at all. I'm pretty happy about that :) 

I wanted to improve Cristoff's relationship with the others too so I had them chatty but they got sleepy after a while.

But wait! the alarm goes on! The lady police battled it out...

AND freakin' stops to chat with RED!!! (This made my sister flipped. Funny sims.)

Okay Red, stop flirting with the cop and start chasing the bad guy already!!!

Red: *thinking* I hate those alarm things but I have to look like I'm listening...

Lady Cop: Like what is the deal with those airplanes right?

Cairi and Thief: ...

So after a few while, Red finally decided to battle it out with the thief.

Red: Let's get it on while I'M HUNGRY!!!

And the lady police walked away like nothing's happened.

Red sadly lost the fight. But I didn't know if something was stolen because nobody seems to be upset.

Oh yeah, Cristoff got up when things finally cooled down. I THOUGHT YOU WERE BRAVE!!! I was really looking forward with you turning thieves to pulp!

Cristoff: Yeah, I was sleeping...

Yeah, I know...

Cristoff: Pashaaa! don't be too down... I've got something for you oh Great Goddess :)


Cristoff: So I wanted to go out and spend time with Dee right?

Well technically I was the one that decided to have you go out with Dee. You know since you haven't seen her transformation yet.

Cristoff: Yeah... we kinda talked about smart stuff like planets and chess pieces...

Cristoff: And we talked about our favorite colors

Cristoff: And talked about burglary stuff.

Cristoff: Haha, see we're so happy hanging out :)

I know right. I am almost too frustrated with you two.

Cristoff: So you decided to check on my two loyal servants right? They're dying again huh?

Yeah. Ugh! Red and Cairi can't seem to go on without my supervision. They would rather watch TV or in Red's case, work on the laptop and won't mind getting hungry or have their bladder's burst!

Cristoff: SURPRISE!!!


Cristoff: Look at me :)

!!! ... !!!

Is this true???

Cristoff: I have hearts on my head :)


Their meet up became a romantic date!!

Cristoff: Look at me wooing Dee!!! Man I've got my moves on tonight!




Oh myyy... I'm soo happy... I was not able to see who flirted first or what but this is great!

I have no words to say but this is it!!! :)

They take turns to flirt and do romantic stuff... and then Dee went off ending the date (guess she has work). AND THE DATE WAS AWESOME!!! As Cristoff had that happy moodlet for when you go out on epic dates...

He's like floating with happiness :) (that was just an exaggeration) but I'm really happy to have him finally have a romantic interest with someone.


CELEBRATION TIME!!! (I was too sleepy to continue playing...)

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